Mission Statement
It is Bremca’s policy to always conduct business in a systematic and structured approach to identify, assess, and manage all risks to our employees, the public, and the environment. Our employees’ safety and occupational health is a matter of prime concern for this company.
Every employee of the company is asked to share in the commitment to this policy.
- Each Manager and Supervisor has a responsibility to ensure compliance with the rules for Health & Safety at work by the employees working under their direction.
- Each employee is obliged to play their responsible part in complying with the company’s safety rules and in acting safely at all times for their own and their fellow employees’ welfare.
- All employees of the company are responsible for the safety and welfare of members of the public. The latter may be affected by the company’s operations on or off site.
- Management is committed to the accurate reporting and recording of all workplace incidents and injuries.
In meeting this commitment, the management will:
- Provide a safe workplace, safe equipment, and proper materials.
- Establish and insist on safe methods and safe practices at all times.
- Cooperate with all union and other nominated employee representatives.
- Comply with all legislative requirements, including:
Management and staff are expected to treat safety at work as a serious personal challenge.

Health and Safety - ISO 45001
In 2023 Bremca achieved Telarc certification for ISO 45001 – Health and Safety Management Systems. A first for switchboard manufacturers in New Zealand.